Hello Friends!
God is moving and I am excited about the future of Life Change Church Tullahoma!
A few things…
1. The staff of New Vision is onboard with establishing a 3 year partnership with us! We should have everything solidified and be on our way by next week!
2. I am working with an online company regarding designing a permanent logo. Once this is completed we will begin working on signage, yard signs, invite cards, and more!
3. God has leading me to change my teaching/preaching plans and begin working through the book of 1 Peter. Please pray for me as I prepare the messages in the weeks to come.
4. Invite, or better yet, BRING someone with you this Saturday! You are the church 24/7 and our best advertisement! If we are going to grow as the New Testament shows us how to grow, we must all be actively inviting and bringing others with us week in, and week out.
5. Know that I am praying for you and our efforts daily. It will be fun at times, hard at times, and just plain crazy at times! However, if God is for us, NOTHING can come against us!
Last but not least, know that I am here for you. I may not be able to text or call you back right away, but please feel free to reach out to me of you need anything! I want to be here for you as your pastor!
Be blessed and be a blessing! And most of all…
Christian Watts