Hello Life Change Tullahoma Friends and Family!
I wanted to take a few minutes of your time to share some information and updates with you regarding Life Change Church Tullahoma.
First and foremost, I want you to know that I am here for you. Really, I mean that! However, I readily admit that I do not always know when you might need me, or how I might be able to serve or help you. So, here is what I ask... Please call me, email me, text me, or come by the church office and let me know how I can help you or serve you. You have 110% permission to do so! I want to be here for you as a pastor as much as I possibly can be. So again, I give you full permission to bug me, remind me, or let me know how I can help or serve you. Please find my contact information at the bottom of this letter. Thank you!
Hebrews 11:1 says, “Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see. 2 This is what the ancients were commended for.”
Throughout Life Change Tullahoma’s short history, we have taken huge steps of faith. And each step of faith has been bathed in prayer and God ordained. And although this year has been a difficult one, we continue to step out in faith as God directs us.
Here are some of the steps of faith we have taken in 2020....
· In January of 2020 we acquired office space and additional meeting space at 410 Wilson Avenue. We also began a new budget year with a weekly budget need that was twice the amount of our weekly budget needs in 2019.
· In February of 2020 we hired Jermaine Johnson to be our Youth Pastor. Little did we know at the time, but two weeks after he was hired, we would spend the next two months having no public gatherings. Over the last several weeks we have resumed Wednesday evening youth group with an average of 50+ students that attend weekly.
· Before the Covid-19 pandemic, our weekly broadcast was sketchy at best. Therefore, we knew that if we were going to be effective, we would have to make some major upgrades to our video equipment. Again, we stepped out in faith and made some major purchases in order to improve the quality of our broadcast. And although it is still a work in progress, the difference between our broadcast pre-Covid-19 and now are night and day. God supplied our every need!
· In July of 2020, we added two paid part-time Children’s Ministry leaders to our staff. Those leaders are Tonya Reffner and Alisha Johnson. Tonya is the Director of our Preschool Ministry which includes babies through Kindergarten. Alisha is our grades 1-5 Children’s Ministry Director. We are excited to have both ladies officially on our staff leadership team!
· One area of need that we felt we needed to address sooner rather than later was hiring an Administrative Assistant. Someone that would be in the office daily, and someone that had the ability to meet several areas of need as LCCT moves forward. I am excited to share with you that we have hired Katelyn Lawson as our administrative assistant! Katelyn will be overseeing our church database (Planning Center), and she will also be overseeing and making sure we are keeping accurate records of both our incoming and outgoing finances via Planning Center and QuickBooks. Katelyn will also be answering phones, creating and implementing our multi-media, assisting us as we move towards fellowship groups this fall, helping us with our social media and text-in-church ministries (including response times), and assisting our pastoral staff as needed. Katelyn will officially join the LCCT Staff on Thursday, August 20th.
It is my prayer that our new staff hires will allow Life Change Tullahoma to function with excellence! Why? Because God expects our best! I also believe that the addition of an Administrative Assistant will allow Noah and I to be all the more available to you, and to do the ministry both at LCCT and within our community that God has called us to.
Over the past year and a half, Elizabeth Duke has done an excellent job creating and implementing our multi-media. Elizabeth isn’t leaving LCCT, but she will be stepping down from her multi-media role as she continues to work on her nursing degree. We want to thank Elizabeth for her commitment and efforts over the past year and a half.
I want to encourage you to stay tuned to our website, the LCCT App, and our Social Media outlets as we are ramping up for some exciting things in the days and weeks ahead.
Finally, I know that many folks have not been able to gather at LCCT for corporate worship due to Covid-19 concerns. I also realize that the pandemic has led to many people simply falling out of the habit of attending Life Change Tullahoma. Let me encourage you to get back in the habit! Watching on YouTube or Facebook is just not the same as gathering corporately to worship. Know that we have missed those of you that have not been with us, and we hope to see you soon!
Thank you for taking the time to read this letter. I hope it encourages you and excites you for what God has in store for LCCT in the days ahead!
Be blessed and be a blessing!
Pastor Christian Watts
931-563-5544 (office)
931-321-0900 (after hours)
931-488-8200 (text-in-church)