If there has ever been a time where Christian's need to come together that time is now.
We live in a world full of chaos and confusion. A world that is searching for answers to life's problems in all the wrong places. Can it get any worse? Yes it can! Will it get any worse? Yes it will. I believe we are seeing the beginning of the last days.Jesus gives clarity to the last days in Matthew Chapter 24. Here is a snippet of what he says from verses 10-12...
"Many will turn away from the faith and will betray and hate each other, 11 and many false prophets will appear and deceive many people. 12 Because of the increase of wickedness, the love of most will grow cold."
I think you would agree that we are seeing this happen even now. Thankfully we have hope and His name is Jesus!
As I have shared with you in recent weeks, you will not find a moral compass for you or your family outside of God's Word and His Church. This is why it is so important that we continue to gather together during these days to worship, hear God's Word preached, fellowship, and encourage one another. And I know we are all busy. However, we should never be too busy to take the time to gather as The Church! Together we are stronger!
In Matthew 24:13 Jesus says, "but the one who stands firm to the end will be saved." I want to encourage you to stand firm, make Christ your top priority, make gathering with the Body of Christ a priority, make reading God's word a priority! We need God and we need each other like never before! Don't you agree?
This Sunday, May 2nd, we will conclude our series "Winning the war in Your Mind" with a message titled, "What Drives You, Defines You". I want to encourage you to join us as we gather, worship, and study God's Word together. There is truly something incredible that happens when God's people come together in unity!
Today, as I combed through nearly 600 names of folks that attend LCCT, I couldn't help but think, "Imagine what we could do if we all worked together to change our community, our neighborhoods, our nation, and our world!" I believe we can do anything when Christ goes before us! Nothing is impossible with God!
I look forward to seeing you on Sunday at Life Change Tullahoma @ 9:00 or 11:00. Until then...
Be The Church!
Pastor Christian Watts