Whether you agree or disagree, keep reading...
Many people see a Church Plant or a new church in their town as "the enemy" or a competition. I mean, why do we need another church? Aren't there already enough churches in our town?
The answer to the question is yes and no. Yes, there are many good churches in town that have good people who attend them. However, out of say... 50 churches, only 5 to 7 out of 50 have more than 100 people in them. Let's say 6 run more than 100 people with an average attendance of 450. That means 2700 people attend those six churches. The 43 churches that are left average about 40 people across the board. 43x40 = 1760 people. Add the two together and you get about 4,460 people that attend church in Tullahoma on any given weekend. In the City of Tullahoma alone there are 19,000 people. It doesn't take long to put the numbers together to figure out that this means that over 14,000 people in the City of Tullahoma do not attend church (although they might attend on Christmas Eve and Easter). What does, or should this say to those of us who are Christians, and who are called to "Go and Make Disciples"? It says, we have a lot of work to do!
Unfortunately, out of the 50 or so churches in Tullahoma, many of them are declining or even dying. Many churches, whether they will admit to it or not, have become inward focused. Besides a couple of "missional" things they do each year (which have become more tradition than mission) they rarely see new people come in their doors. And when they do, they often times don't return for a second visit. If a church is going to reach the community around it it has to be INTENTIONAL! If a church is going to see lives changed on a regular basis, intentionality has to be a part of a church's 24/7 DNA.
Now, I know some are saying, "My church is a great church and it is growing"! Let me say, "Awesome"! My only question is, "Are you growing by transfers from another church, new people who come into the community who already know Christ, or are you growing because people are becoming Christ followers through the efforts of your church (The Body of Christ)?" There is nothing wrong with growing by transfers, but if the Kingdom of God isn't being increased by the efforts of your church, something BIG is missing! I mean, isn't this part of being the body of Christ? (See Acts 2:42-47, Matthew 28:19-20)
Here's the deal... Church Plants are not an enemy to a community or the churches within a community. In fact, more people are coming to know Christ as Savior in North America via new church plants than all existing churches combined. And here's why... New church plants are for the most part planted in order to reach the unchurched, those who have given up on church, and those who are looking for an "active in the community" church rather than a church that is, or has become, more inward focused or has lost it's vision for the community round it. Oh, and BTW... If you want to attract youth, Millennials, and young couples you better be an active, "serving the community", Biblically based church that helps people apply scripture to their everyday REAL lives. Young people and Millennials won't waste their time on a church that is inward focused (I know, the truth hurts).
Some of you will read this and be mad, some of you will read this and could care less (if that's you go back to surfing facebook), and some of you will read this and say "YES! That's what I am looking for!" Here's the thing... If your church is awesome and doing awesome things, great! If your church is awesome and you will be there till you die whether it's awesome or not, great! If your church isn't awesome but it's your church and you'll defend it till the end, great! BOTTOM LINE... A NEW CHURCH IN YOUR AREA IS SOMETHING YOU SHOULD CELEBRATE BECAUSE IT IS VERY LIKEY THAT THE NEW CHURCH HAS BEEN PLANTED WITH THE INTENTIONAL PURPOSE OF SEEING PEOPLE WHO ARE NOT GOING TO YOUR CHURCH FIND A PLACE WHERE THEY CAN BELONG, AND FIND THE HOPE THAT IS JESUS CHRIST!
Is a new church plant coming to Tullahoma? Actually, I know of a couple that are being planted right now. Are more coming? Absolutely! Will they all make it? Nope! Will someone eventually plant a church in Tullahoma that will change lives in our community in ways never seen before? YES! Will that be happening soon? Stay tuned...
Pastor Christian Watts
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