Over the past 3 months Kelleye and I have been seeking God's
direction for ministry and our family. We have been blessed to have several
churches express interest in me as a Pastor or Worship Pastor and have spoken
to and met with several of these churches. All of the churches that we have
spoken to would have taken us a good distance from Tullahoma...
One thing that has remained constant is the feeling that God
led us to minister in Tullahoma and we do not believe He is done with us here.
When I came to Tullahoma in 2012, I was overwhelmed with the reality that a
town in the "Bible Belt" consisted of a majority of persons that did
not attend church. That reality is still true today and that is why we are
currently seeking God's will and direction as to whether He is leading us to
plant a new church right here in Tullahoma. If you've read any of my previous
post, you know that I am fully aware that there are many churches in and around
Tullahoma. At the same time, I believe that our city is in need of a Biblically
solid, Christ-centered church that is intentional in reaching the lost,
displaced, and unchurched. Please know that I am not saying that there are not
churches in and around us who are doing this, but what I am saying is that
there is room for more! Therefore, in response to God's call on my life, and His
call to minister in the City of Tullahoma, we are pressing forward with seeking
His will and direction regarding a new church plant in Tullahoma.
Let me say again that this church is not meant to be a
competition to other established churches in our area, nor are our intentions
to pull people away from their current church family. This church, if planted,
will have the intentional purpose of reaching the unchurched in ways many of
our established churches may be unable to. Do we need seasoned Christian's who
feel God leading them to join us in this effort to help us? YES! We absolutely
do! We need people who have a heart for the lost and a vision to reach the
masses in our community to join us in our efforts because we will need
teachers, youth workers, people to care and love on the children, greeters,
counselors, and people who will work to disciple those who are new in their
Tullahoma is our home and our mission field. As Jesus said
in Matthew 9:37-38 - “The harvest is great, but the workers are few. So pray to
the Lord who is in charge of the harvest; ask Him to send more workers into His
fields.” We have prayed and believe this is the field God has called us to. I
ask for your prayers, support, and love for my family and I ask we work to
serve our Lord here in Tullahoma. I believe God has a reason for everything and
I am excited about what He is revealing to us at this time.
May God be glorified, Christ be exalted, and may the Kingdom
be increased by all of us who are called to work the mission field of Tullahoma
Praying for God's best!
Pastor Christian Watts
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