IN THIS UPDATE: Servant Leaders Needed, Our Kids Ministry is Growing, Community Serve Day, Special Olympics, Wednesday Night Fuel Update, Important Dates to Remember, Weekly Schedule, Extra, Extra!
If you hadn't noticed, Life Change Church Tullahoma is growing! These are certainly exciting days! These are also critical days, in that what we do in these days sets the tone for the days, months, and years to come.
So, how can you help LCCT be at its best moving forward? GIVE! Give your time, give your talent, and give your treasure. As I begin this update, I want to share how you can give to the ministry of LCCT through Servant Leadership.
A Servant Leader is simply someone who serves others. Currently, we are in need of Servant Leaders in all areas. These areas include: Greeters, Ushers, Café, Worship Band, Worship Vocals, Tech Team, Babies & Toddlers, Preschool, and Grades 1-5. If you are ready to jump in, please let us know via your Sunday morning connection card, by texting us at 931-488-8200, or by email at Want to serve but not sure where you fit best? Visit our and take the S.H.A.P.E. assessment by clicking this link:
For more on serving opportunities at LCCT visit
Wow! We had 18 children ages birth through Kindergarten this past Sunday morning! A huge THANK YOU goes out to everyone who serves the children of LCCT! These great numbers bring about another great need of Servant Leadership. In the coming weeks we will be working to divide our children's class for grades birth through kindergarten into two classes. The first class will be for Babies and Toddlers. The second class will be for children ages 3-5 that are potty trained. If you are willing to help us with this ministry need, please contact via the connection methods in the paragraph above. Thank you!!
REMINDER: Kids Grades 1-5 Sunday morning worship meets every Sunday with the exception of the first Sunday of each month. With this in mind, kids in grades 1-5 will attend worship with their parents this Sunday, May 5.
COMMUNITY SERVE DAY is this Saturday, May 4 from 7:30-3:00! Serving Opportunities include: yard work at the home of Dave and Dianne Watts, yard work at the home of Sheila Luc, trash and debris clean up in the Silver Street area, visitation at Life Care Center Tullahoma. If you are planning to help with yard work, bring work gloves, rakes, hedge trimmers, and clippers. The city will provide supplies for the Silver Street cleanup. Please meet by the front doors of LCCT on Saturday morning at 7:30. Be sure to bring a sack lunch, water to drink, and wear appropriate clothing for the project you will be working on. If it does rain, we will reschedule the serve day for Saturday, May 18 from 7:30-3:00. A text and email will be sent out of rain forces the serve day to be rescheduled. We will also post it on FB.
SPECIAL OLYMPICS! Pastor Christian will be leading the Invocation for the regional Special Olympics on Thursday, May 2. If you are interested in serving as a part of this years Special Olympics, join Pastor Christian on the football field at Tullahoma HS on Thursday, May 2 @ 8:00!
WEDNESDAY NIGHT FUEL UDATE! Two of our Wednesday night groups will conclude for the summer after May 1. This groups are: Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace & Wednesday Night Kids Grades 1-5. The following groups will continue meeting throughout the summer: Wednesday Night Youth Grades 6-12 & Revelation Bible Study facilitated by Howard Eads. Childcare will not be offered on Wednesday evening during the summer months.
Important Dates to Remember
- Saturday May 4 from 7:30-3:00 - Community Serve!
- Sunday, May 12 - Mother's Day
- Saturday, June 1 @ 8:30 - Men and Boys Breakfast at Damron's
- Sunday, June 9 @ 11:30 - Covenant Membership Class
- Monday, June 10 - Friday, June 14 - LCCT Students to Centrifuge!
- Sunday, June 16 - Father's Day
- Wednesday, July 3 from 6:00 - end of fireworks - LCCT Community Cookout and Fireworks!
Weekly Schedule
- Worship at LCCT! Sunday mornings at 10:00! Childcare is provided for children ages birth through Kindergarten.
- Kids Grades 1-5 Worship! Sunday mornings at 10:00 with the exception of the 1st Sunday of each month.
- Wednesday Night Fuel Youth Grades 6-12! Wednesday Nights from 6:00-7:30.
- Study through the Book of Revelation - Wednesday Nights from 6:00 - 7:30. Childcare is not provided during the summer months.
Extra! Extra!
RightNow Media! Do you hunger for more of God in your life? are you looking for something that will help you grow from Monday through Saturday? Something you can access anytime, anywhere, on any device? We want to share a free gift of thousands of Bible Studies, Kids Videos, Testimonies, Leadership Resources, and more by allowing you to subscribe (for free) to Life Change Tullahoma's RightNow Media page! Check it out now by clicking the link below. Enjoy!
LCCT FOOD AND PERSONAL CARE PANTRY is collecting canned goods, dry goods, toiletries, and personal care items for both men and women who are in need in and around Tullahoma. Items can be dropped off at the Welcome Center before or after Sunday or Wednesday services or activities, or Monday through Thursday at the church office at 414 Wilson Ave. Suite 121. Together we can make a difference!
Be the Church!
Pastor Christian Watts
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