Dear Church Family,
In July of 2017 God made it clear that He was calling me to be His instrument in raising up a new church in Tullahoma. That church became a reality on October 21st of 2017 when Life Change Church Tullahoma held it’s first worship service at the Holiday Inn Express in Tullahoma.
Today, more than 800 people within a 40-mile radius of our current location call Life Change Tullahoma home. Furthermore, hundreds of people tune in to our live stream broadcast each week from multiple states and ten countries.
Life Change Church is changing lives! To date we have seen over 200 people accept Christ and be baptized! Our food and personal care ministry is helping to meet the needs of our community on a daily basis. Our benevolence ministry has helped meet the needs of people and families with everything from gas cards, paying utility bills, medical expenses, dental work, and numerous other needs of those inside and outside the walls of LCCT. And our church is committed to giving to both local and foreign missions as each month we give a portion of what God has given to us to help meet the needs of people in need.
When God called me to plant His church, He gave me the following scripture...
Isaiah 43:19
See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it?
I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland.
God is building His church called Life Change Church, and we get to be a part of His plan! And the cool thing is that I believe we have only seen a tiny snapshot of God’s greater plan for LCCT!
On Wednesday evening, May 18th, Pastor Noah, myself, and our Board of Directors brought together 80 people (about a tenth of our attendees) to share the vision God has placed before us as we move into the next five years. Part of that vision requires an immediate need for funding. We shared this “immediate need” last night, and now we are sharing it with you.
In short, after two years of researching whether our current property would be a realistic option as the future home of Life Change, and after nearly two years of searching for land, LCCT has been presented with the opportunity to purchase land on which we will build our future church home.
The land we are purchasing is 3 miles south of our current location along 41A just inside the Tullahoma city limits. It is land we once believed would be impossible to acquire. However, God is in the business of making what seems impossible possible! I am overjoyed to share with you that today, May 19th of 2022, Life Change Tullahoma has secured 12 acres of land that will be our future home for $300,000.00.
I know that there are some that may have felt “left out” of the gathering that was held last night, and for that I apologize. It was never our intention to make anyone felt “left out”. Ultimately the purpose of last night’s meeting was to present the Vision for the Future to a small portion of our congregation before we presented it to the entire congregation. Please know that it is going to take ALL OF US to see the work God has placed before us come to fruition. We praise God that half of what was needed to make the purchase has been raised within the past 24 hours! At the same time, we are praying that all $300,000.00 will come in so that we can replenish what was taken from our general fund to make this happen.
Know that I plan to share much more with you on Sunday, May 22nd at 9 and 11 regarding the land purchase and Vision for the Future. I ask that you be in prayer in the coming days, weeks, and months, as to how God might use you as a part of this effort. Purchasing the land was step one, but there are many other things that will need funded in the coming months and years to see Life Change Tullahoma’s new home come to fruition.
I know that these are tough times financially for many of us, and I want to say how thankful we are for your continued faithfulness in giving to God’s church called Life Change. Two things: One, any gifts you give to Vision for the Future should be given above and beyond your regular giving. Secondly, please pray for our pastors, staff, board of directors, and our church as a whole as we move forward. My prayer is that God will be glorified, and that His church called Life Change Church will do exactly what our name implies for decades and decades to come!
Finally, there are two links below. The first is a video link of last night’s meeting. I encourage you to take the time to watch it. The second is the Vision for the Future giving link.
Thank you for your time and your continued faithfulness to Jesus and His church!
All for the glory of God,
Pastor Christian Watts
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